"Hey Now"!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bloggy FAQ....

Bloggy answers some frequently asked questions.....

1. You seem to be the perfect Dude....handsome(sic), witty(sic), pillar of the community(sic), slim(sic), drinker of Miller Lite in the Thienes garage...what gives?

Answer: While I do admit to all of the above(sic), I am not without my faults, which I will list below...
a) My left buttock is slightly (almost imperceptible to the naked eye) smaller than my right buttock.
b) I occasionally have a hitch in my giddyup.
c) I like pinnacoladas, don't like getting caught in the rain, I am not into yoga or the taste of champagne.
d) I have decided to quit here, as I don't feel like inventing new letters of the alphabet, as my faults will go and on and on....

2. How did a lard ass like you lose so much weight?

Answer: No more than 2000 calories a day...and on a serious note, if I can do this, there is nothing that anyone else can't do....I am the most undisciplined person I know!!

3. Which is your favorite Rocky movie?

Answer: Rocky 2...well what are we waitin' for!!!

4. Are you excited for Christmas break?

Answer: Hellz to the ya!!!! 12 days o' RELAXATION!!!!

Bloggy Peace from the capital city...THE CR!!!

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